Chandrayaan 3 Rover Put to Sleep After Successful Lunar Mission

Chandrayaan 3 Rover Put to Sleep After Successful Lunar Mission

Chandrayaan 3 Rover Put to Sleep After Successful Lunar Mission

ISRO, India’s space agency mission Chandrayaan 3 Rover Put to Sleep After Successful Lunar Mission. Pragyan, a member of the Chandrayaan-3 expedition, went into “Sleep mode” with full battery life and a functional receiver. The Rover is in sleep mode with an active receiver and full power batteries, awaiting future assignments.

Chandrayaan-3: ISRO Says Pragyan Rover Put Into ‘Sleep Mode’ On Moon, Hopes To Wake It Up On Sept 22

India follows China, the US, and the Soviet Union landing in the four countries on the Moon with Chandrayaan-3. The existence of essential components on the lunar surface was verified by Pragyan’s exploration.

Recent launches by ISRO include the Aditya-L1 spacecraft, which will investigate the effects of solar winds on Earth’s auroras. Even though the Chandrayaan 3 Rover was Put to Sleep After a Successful Lunar Mission but it is expected to wake up the rover on 22nd September.

The ISRO confirmed that the satellite is in excellent condition and currently situated in Earth’s orbit. It’s gearing up for an extensive journey, covering a vast distance of 1.5 million kilometers (930,000 miles) to study the sun.

India’s remarkable progress in space exploration has garnered worldwide recognition, highlighting the country’s growing prowess in scientific research and space technology.

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