SC stops accountability courts from passing final verdict

SC stops accountability courts from passing final verdict

SC stops accountability courts from passing final verdict

The Supreme Court (SC) of Pakistan stops the accountability courts from passing a final verdict in National Beaureu of Accountability (NAB) cases.

SC gave this order during the hearing of the first-ever intra-court appeals (ICAs) against its majority ruling on Sep 15, 2023, which invalidated the amendments to the accountability law.

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The court adjourned the hearing till the detailed verdict in the Practice and Procedure Bill case. Parliament approved this bill on Apr 10, 2023.

Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa headed the larger bench. This bench included Justice Aminuddin Khan, Justice Jamal Khan, Justice Athar Minallah, and Justice Syed Hasan Azhar conducted the hearing.

SC stops accountability courts from passing final verdict

The court proceedings started with the counsel of the government asking for more time to prepare their arguments.

Justice Isa remarked that the petitioner argued that the five-member bench should hear the NAB amendment case instead of a three-member bench under the Practice and Procedure bill. He said it has now shown to be in accordance with the constitution.

The CJP added if counsel managed to convince him of this point, the recent bench would not hear the arguments considering the merits of the appeal.

Justice Isa further stated that there was no way of knowing what the Practice and Procedure verdict would contain against cases already resolved. So it would be better to wait for the detailed judgment.

Justice Athar Minallah remarked that the court could declare amendments unconstitutional until the court reviewed all of them.

The bench then adjourns the hearing until the decision in the Practice and Procedure bill is issued. The court also notified all parties including Imran Khan on whose petition the NAB amendments annulled.

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