NDM Chief Mohsin Dawar injured due to police firing in Miranshah

Mohsin Dawar injured

NDM Chief Mohsin Dawar injured due to police firing in Miranshah

National Democratic Movement (NDM) Chief Mohsin Dawar has been injured due to police firing in Miranshah, North Waziristan. The incident occurred as supporters of Mohsin were protesting against the delay in election results at the security camp gate in Miranshah.

According to protestors, the police began firing and throwing tear gas during the protest. Along with Mohsin Dawar, some of his companions also received injuries in the shooting incident.

The police officials stated that they had transferred NDM Chief Moshin Dawar and other injured people to Miranshah Hospital. Miranshah District Police Officer (DPO), Rohanzeb Khan told Geo News that the firing happened at a political party protest.

According to DPO Rohanzeb, four persons, including political figure Mohsin Dawar, were injured during the shooting. The armed police personnel present at the demonstration opened fire.

Mohsin Dawar stood for a seat in the National Assembly from the NA-40 constituency in North Waziristan. However, Independent candidate Aurangzeb Khan, supported by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) defeated him with 20,443 votes.

Earlier this year, terrorists attacked Mohsin’s convoy in Tappi village in January. According to police, terrorists fired multiple gunshots at the convoy, but Moshin remained unharmed because of his bulletproof car. Moreover, his security guards escorted him and fired back, which forced the culprits to flee the scene.

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Dawar stated in response to the attack that these cowardly attempts cannot lower their spirits. The sponsors of attackers should come into the field themselves rather than using others’ children against them.

Moreover, he praised the police and security people in his convoy for their quick action as attackers fled after fierce retaliation. He then pledged to continue his party’s election campaign. He claimed that nothing could derail his political ambition.

Mohsin Dawar has served as a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan from Aug 2018 to Aug 2023. Furthermore, he is also a co-founder of the human rights movement, Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM).

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