Man sent to mental hospital after trying to establish a gay club

Man sent to mental hospital

Man sent to mental hospital after trying to establish a gay club

Authorities sent a man to a mental hospital after he applied to the Abbottabad Deputy Commissioner to open Pakistan’s first gay club. The man cited the gay club’s value as a convenience and resource for gay, bisexual, and even straight people living in Abbottabad and other parts of Pakistan.

In his application, he stated there would be a clear sign warning that no sexual activity would be allowed in the club. He mentioned this to ensure that no sexual laws, including Section 377 of Pakistan’s Penal Code (PPC), would be violated in the club.

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Section 377 of the PPC declares same-sex relationships illegal. However, Abbottabad Deputy Commissioner Khalid Iqbal told the media they had received an application for the gay club. They considered it just like any other business idea.

However, residents and lawmakers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa initiated a fierce response and anger. This news emerged when someone leaked the gay club’s application on social media.

Meanwhile, a representative of PATY warned Abbottabad authorities of severe consequences if they approved the gay club. PATY referees to right-wing Pakistan Awami Tehreek.

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Moreover, the head religious political party Jamiat Ulema Islam (JUI) also strongly condemned this application. The head of JUI in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provincial assembly claimed that the man who tried to establish a gay club had just returned from a trip to the UK.

Following strong criticism, Abbottabad authorities have sent a man to Sardah Hospital in Peshawar for his mental health treatment. His friends expressed concerns about his safety and their inaccessibility to a relevant man.

The man had applied for the club on May 9, 2024. However, his identity is unknown. However, Gay sex is illegal in Pakistan. Anyone committing this offense may face two years of life imprisonment under PPC.

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