Barrister Gohar Ali Khan removed as PTI chairman, Marwat claims

The PTI leader, Sher Afzal Marwat, claimed that Barrister Gohar Ali Khan was removed as PTI chairman due to unsatisfactory performance.

Barrister Gohar Ali Khan removed as PTI chairman, Marwat claims

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader, Sher Afzal Marwat, claimed that Barrister Gohar Ali Khan was removed as PTI chairman. Sher Afzal stated the reason for the removal of Barrister Gohar is due to unsatisfactory performance.

The statement of Sher Afzal came the day after Gohar announced Barrister Ali Zafar as the next chairman nominee of PTI. The internal elections of the party will held on March 3.

Marwat stated Barrister Gohar Ali Khan removed as PTI chairman was due to incompetence and poor performance. Gohar is a gentleman. However, his performance was weak. He did not match the expectations of party workers.

Furthermore, Sher said one has to be active all the time to run a party office, but this did not happen. The response of party leadership to election results was unsatisfactory. He added that Gohar should have led the party after the elections, but he did not do it.

A day earlier, Barrister Gohar announced Ali Zafar as the nominee for the chairmanship of PTI. He said their candidate for party chairman will be Ali Zafar this time. He urged everyone to do everything to ensure Ali Zafar is chosen as the next chairman of PTI.

Click here to read the updates on Gohar says no PTI tickets for those who left PTI

PTI spokesperson Raoof Hasan had declared that intra-party votes to elect the chairman and provincial and central organizing bodies will take place on Feb 5, 2024. However, the party later postponed the elections, which will now held on March 3, 2024.

The chairmanship of PTI remained vacant for more than a month after the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) and the Supreme Court declared the intra-party elections illegal. They also stripped the party of its distinctive bat symbol.

As a result of those elections, Barrister Gohar became chairman of PTI. But, he will no longer lead the party as PTI prepares to hold its next elections in March.

Before Barrister Gohar, former prime minister Imran Khan was chairman of PTI. ECP removed Imran from the chairmanship of the party. They claimed Imran was a convicted man. So, he could not hold a party position.

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