Joe Biden Smashed Donald Trump at Labor Day Speech

Joe Biden Smashed Donald Trump at Labor Day Speech

Joe Biden Smashed Donald Trump at Labor Day Speech

Joe Biden Smashed Donald Trump at Labor Day Speech in regard to lack of jobs. On the Labor Day speech in Philadelphia, United States the President of America Joe Biden hits Donald Trump by his words referring to him using words like “the last guy”. Biden bashed the economic policies of his opponent and former US President. He made Trump responsible for the lack of jobs for people in the United States of America.

Joe Biden said, “When the last guy was here we were shipping jobs to China now we are bringing jobs home from China, When the last guy was here your pensions were at risk, we have saved millions of pensions from your help.”

While he was giving a speech about his achievements he noted “When the last guy was here he looked at the world from Park Avenue” which alludes to the perception of an out-of-touch elite

Responding to comments about his age, President Biden quipped “The only thing that comes with age is a little bit of wisdom”. It shows that he is still able to lead the US effectively with his wisdom and supreme leadership

Joe Biden and Donald Trump have a history of political conflicts with each other after, Joe Biden replaced Donald Trump as the president of the United States

Joe Biden on Labour Speech Philadelphia, United States

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