A terrible Storm hit Libya and killed thousands of people.

A terrible Storm hit Libya and killed thousands of people.

A terrible Storm hit Libya and killed thousands of people.

A terrible storm hit Libya and killed thousands of people. There is an estimated 2,000 people are killed and thousands are still missing.

The Daniel Sea Storm caused massive destruction in Libya’s northeast destroying houses and buildings. Abduljalil, the health minister of Libya describes the situation as deadly with bodies lying around everywhere, and called it like a “ghost town”.

He also added, “People are still trapped and some of them are I expect washed away into the sea”.

Read the full CNN report on Libya’s Daniel Storm here!

Authorities in eastern Libya said that after the massive flood that swept the city of Derna killed or swept thousands. Storm Daniel hit the Mediterranean on Sunday after battering Greece last week.

The Defence Minister of Libya in the interview seeks aid from foreign governments, agencies, or wealthy individuals. “The situation in Libya is worse and there are thousands of dead bodies all over, and most of them are missing” he added.

The Libyan government divides into two parts which makes it difficult for them to handle such massive situations. The democratic parties in Libya are not on good terms to collectively deal with this situation.

The Libyan government is still trying to minimize the risk and to find the missing bodies. We certainly hope that they get out of this crisis as soon as possible.

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