Shahrukh Khan’s Jawan is near to cross 1000 crores Globally.

Shahrukh Khan's Jawan is near to cross 1000 crores Globally.

Shahrukh Khan’s Jawan is near to cross 1000 crores Globally.

Shahrukh Khan’s Jawan is near to cross 1000 crores globally. The movie has crossed the mark of 800 crores gross globally and doing remarkable performance all over the world.

The movie “Jawan” has crossed the 800 crores mark in just 11 days after its release. In alone India, the movie has made 530 crores gross which is probably the highest ever made in Indian history.

The success of the Jawan movie is related to the success of the movie Pathaan. After the huge success of Pathan, Shahrukh Khan came to the limelight again which brought his other movie Jawan to the height of success. After two consecutive successes, there is no doubt to consider “Shahrukh Khan, the King of Bollywood”.

Behind-the-Scenes of Shahrukh Khan’s Jawan Movie Released

Shahrukh Khan’s recent movie Pathaan has crossed the 1000 crores mark and Jawaan seems not to be coming slow to the 1000 crores mark. Shahrukh Khan’s previous movies such as “Harry Met Sajjal” or “Zero” badly flopped at the box office. And after the great success of Pathan and Jawan, Shahrukh Khan is ruling over Bollywood right now.

While Shahrukh Khan’s Jawan is near to cross 1000 crores Globally., Jawaan seems to be blasting Bollywood right now with its huge success and fans are expecting it to cross many milestones soon.

What are your views on the movie Jawaan, Have you watched it yet?

Read The Indian Express’s Full report on Jawan’s movie huge success.

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