Woman with testicle in her abdomen confused Chinese doctors

Woman with testicle in her abdomen

Woman with testicle in her abdomen confused Chinese doctors

A group of medical doctors found an odd medical condition with testicles in a 27-year-old woman in her abdomen. This unusual happening occurred when Gynecologist Duan Jie detected it during the woman’s check-up.

Duan called this disorder unusual as it affects 1 in 50,000 newborns. She found it in a Chinese woman named Li Yaun. She possessed feminine hormones but male sex chromosomes. It refers to “congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).”

According to Duan, Li appeared female but had male sex chromosomes. Socially, Li is female. However, she is male chromosomally. Her medical history showed Li became concerned about not getting her period when she was eighteen. She also experienced a delay in the development of her breasts.

Hence, Li went for a medical check-up to resolve her issue. Gynecologist Duan then found abnormal hormone levels and possible ovarian failure. Li has a one in four chance of inheriting a genetic disorder since her parents may have hereditary disorder-causing genes. 

Duan explained when Li Yaun first had the issue, physicians did not properly deal with her problem. It made her vitamin D shortage worse. Physicians also warned her of a high chance of cancer if they had not removed the hidden testicle in the abdomen of woman Li Yaun.

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However, they later successfully removed the testicle from her abdomen during an operation. Physicians conducted this operation in the first week of April to remove a hidden testicle from the abdomen of Li Yaun.

Hence, Li now needs long-term hormone treatment and routine follow-up examination. The story of Li also went viral on Chinese social media. Many netizens have sympathized with her and appreciated her endurance throughout her complicated medical condition.

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) impacts the adrenal glands of a person. This gland maintains the normal functioning of hormones in your body. Symptoms impacting sexual development may arise from an imbalance in these hormones.  

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