Some books are poisonous and can even cause cancer, study shows

Some books are poisonous and can even cause cancer

Some books are poisonous and can even cause cancer, study shows

A study shows some books are so poisonous that they can even cause chronic disease cancer. Many books, including The Bible and The Satanic Verses, have been banned in various parts of the world at different times because it is believed that they poison minds.

However, some books can really be poisonous due to hazardous chemicals used in their creation. A group of US researchers from Lipscomb University found these chemical types might be present in some bright-colored and cloth-bound books from the Victorian era onward.

Some books can cause cancer due to heavy metal concentration and colorful dyes used in it

They revealed that dyes used to create these colors may pose a health danger to readers, collectors, or librarians. Long-term inhalation of lead or chromium can cause cancer, lung damage, or problems associated with reproduction.

Researchers also mentioned that the pigments from book cloth covers could be dangerous if rubbed on hands or breathed in. The research cited Lipscomb University chemistry student Abigail Hoermann. Abigail stated these old books with toxic dyes may be in universities, public libraries, and private collections.

An Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Lipscomb, Joseph Weinstein-Webb conducted this research study with his students. He stated it is intriguing to find what past generations believed to be secure and then they find it dangerous. So, using bright-colored dyes might not have been a great idea to use.

19th and 20th-century books could be filled with poison

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They researched a few books from the university’s Beaman Library wrapped in cloth in the 19th and 20th centuries. They used three spectroscopic methods including XRF (X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy), ICP-OES (Inductively coupled optical emission spectroscopy), and XRD (X-ray diffraction technology) on these books.

XRF showed the presence of arsenic or other heavy elements on book covers while ICP-OES measured metal concentrations. However, XRD identified the pigment molecules that contain those metals.

These methods show some books in Beaman Library are poisonous and can even cause cancer due to hazardous bright-colored dyes.

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