Killer whales attacked $128K British ship in the Mediterranean Sea

Killer whales attacked $128K British ship

Killer whales attacked $128K British ship in the Mediterranean Sea

A group of Killer whales attacked a British ship worth $128K and sank it in a 2-hour terrifying episode in the Mediterranean Sea. A group of killer whales went after Robert Powell and his crew were only 22 hours into their 10-day trip from Vilamoura, Portugal, to Greece.

The attacking killer whales, also known as “Orcas. ” Robert was supposed to be on the sailing ship to celebrate his birthday.

He said killer whales did not look like they were playing with the ship. They knew what they were doing. attacking killer whales knew where the ship was weak and how to sink it.

According to Robert, the only motive of killer whales was to sink the ship. Five killer whales circled the 39-foot sailing ship around 8 p.m. They took turns intending to destroy the sailing ship.

Robert also stated it looked like dogs were attacking and killing everything in their path. He felt the first hit on the Bonhomme William’s (ship) bottom and thought they had hit a rock.

He remembered he was going about 5 to 6 miles and looking around the ship to see if he could see anything. That is when it got hit again.

Killer whales attacked $128K British ship

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When the second hit happened, he looked over the back of the ship and saw the dark shape of a killer whale in the water. Then, a five-killer whales group attacked the steering wheel of a $128K British ship, which stopped it from moving after about 15 hits.

After that, the killer whales split up. Each focused on a different part of the ship’s outside, like the bottom and midsection. Robert revealed they were going around and it was like seeing wolves hunt.

They took turns coming in and sometimes two would come in at once and hit it. It clears that this is pretty scary. After an hour and a half, the ship’s bottom finally gave way under the pressure of the whales and split. It let water flood into the main living area and finally drowned it putting celebration plans of Robert.

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