Dogs behave depressed after sensing stress in dogs, study shows

Dogs behave depressed (1)

Dogs behave depressed after sensing stress in dogs, study shows

New scientific research shows dogs behave depressed and become emotionally infected after sensing stress in humans. The study revealed shocking facts that dogs sense human tension and then act similarly emotionally.

The scientists claim that dogs tend to make more pessimistic decisions when they sense stressed energy in humans. This is the first study to observe the effects of human stress on dog’s emotional and mental functions.

Dogs sense the stressful behavior of humans through smelling. The scientists at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom conducted this research.

Dogs behave depressed by the stress-energy of humans

Previous research studies have shown that the smell of a stressed individual subconsciously affects the decisions and feelings of people located near that individual.

However, scientists from the Veterinary School of Bristol wanted to observe if these encounters affected the dog’s emotional and learning states. They also wanted to study how dogs responded to human stress or relaxing smells.

Following this, the research showed people’s choice of positive or negative changes the feelings in animals. Scientists tested the positive and negative energy of dogs in their research.

They selected about eighteen dog-owner pairs to take part in a series of tests where various human smells were present. The participant dogs ranged in age from eight months to ten years.

Scientists chose 18 dogs with their owners to test effect of human’s emotions on animals

Two Retrievers, two Braque d’Auvergne, a Whippet, a Golden Retriever, a Miniature Poodle, two Springer spaniels and two Cocker spaniels were among selected dogs. The remaining others included seven mixed breeds of dogs.

The dogs received training by first placing a food bowl with a treat in one area and an empty bowl in another. When they realized the difference between bowl positions, they quickly approached the bowl containing a treat.

Then, scientists observed how quickly dogs approached the new and confusing bowl locations placed between the original two. They found dogs with positive energy quickly approached food present in confusing areas. However, dogs with negative energy slowly approached food.

The stressful smell of the dog’s owner made his pet feel depressed

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They conducted experiments in which each dog was exposed to sweat and breath samples or no smell from humans in either a stressful or a relaxed state.

Scientists revealed that dogs approached unknown bowl locations more slowly when exposed to the stress smell of their owner contrary to the relaxed smell.

This was because the stress smell made them think there was no food in new locations. Hence, it showed dogs behave depressed when a stressed human being is nearby.

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