Chinese Scientists discovered new mechanism for plant regeneration

Chinese Scientists discovered new mechanism

Chinese Scientists discovered new mechanism for plant regeneration

Chinese scientists have discovered a new mechanism to trigger plant regeneration to increase the genetic efficiency of crops. They have identified the major wound signal that triggers plant regenerative responses.

Plants are more likely to get hurt as compared to mammals. However, they have developed an incredible resistance to harm. It has long been unclear what molecular processes underlie wound-induced regeneration responses.

Chinese researchers discover mechanism to trigger plant regeneration

A growth factor is a significant point to note in this newly discovered method. It is a naturally occurring substance like hormones that helps plants grow and develop. They control various processes like roots, stems, and leaves growth, flowering, and fruit production. These growth factors ensure the plant grows in the right direction and responds properly to its environment.

Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Science’s Institute of Genetics and Development Biology. Li Chuanyou has led this research study. They discovered that Regeneration Factor 1 (REF1) is the main wound signal that triggers plant regeneration responses.

According to the study, when plant cells sustain damage, REF1 binds to its receptor PORK1 to trigger S1WIND1. S1WIND1 is a master driver of wound-induced cellular programming. Hence, it triggers regenerative responses and starts the healing process for the wounded plants.

Wounded plants due to several factors- animal gazing, cutting etc

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An active SIWIND1 binds to the promoter of the REF1 gene (initial) to start gene activation. This increases REF1 signaling for healing tissues and growing new plant organs. Hence, REF1, PORK1, and S1WIND1 are all significant growth factors for wounded plants.

This research study also found that REF1 greatly improved the ability to regenerate and the effectiveness of transformation in several crops that are hard to modify, such as soybean, wheat, and maize.

Hence, Chinese scientists discovered a new mechanism by identifying the main REF1 factor which sends wound signal that initiates the healing process for damaged plants. This research study has publication in the journal Cell.

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