China plans to connect Earth with Moon through a communication highway

China plans to connect Earth with Moon (1)

China plans to connect Earth with Moon through a communication highway

China plans to connect Earth with the Moon by constructing a communication highway to facilitate space travel. A team of Chinese scientists has presented a roadmap for building network infrastructure between the Earth and the Moon.

Scientists from the Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering and the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) are part of this space project. They believe this superhighway network consists of 30 satellites and three lunar ground stations.

Superhighway will connect Earth with the Moon

It will offer real-time communication, navigation, and monitoring services to users worldwide. The goal of building this highway is to enable at least 20 space passengers to communicate simultaneously with audio, picture, and video with Earth.

Moreover, this network will offer precise positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) for lunar surface operations while the spacecraft will move back and forth between Earth and the moon.

The scientists reported about this project in the Journal of Chinese Space Science and Technology. This network will also follow and monitor the moving targets known as “cislunar space.” Cislunar Space is as small as one meter and lies between Earth and the moon.

In short, cislunar space is the area between Earth and the moon. This covers both space where the moon’s orbit is located and the orbits of satellites around the Earth. Hence, China plans to connect Earth with the Moon in cislunar space.

Scientists will construct a space highway between Earth and the Moon in cislunar space

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According to experts, China is emerging as a key force in lunar and deep space exploration. So, strategic planning is essential to avoid repetitive construction and optimize resource allocation for the next missions.

Yang Mengfei is the chief designer of the Chang’e-5 mission in China. He is also leading the research team for this project. He stated that cislunar space has emerged as a new opportunity for human activity.

According to the research team, space activities in this region also derive a new round of global competition over the next ten years.

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