Astronauts hid in space station after Russian satellite broke

Astronauts hid in space station

Astronauts hid in space station after Russian satellite broke

A space crisis happened when astronauts hid in the International Space Station (ISS) after a non-operative Russian satellite broke into over 100 pieces.

According to US space authorities, this satellite outbreak forced astronauts to shelter on the ISS for around one hour. It stated the mass of space debris was already in orbit near the ISS. The recent satellite explosion increased space debris further.

However, the Russian space agency had previously described this satellite as dead in 2022. US Space Command reported that other satellites were not in immediate danger while tracking the surrounding debris owing to Resurs satellite breakdown.

According to US Space Command, the satellite Resurs-P1 burst on June 26, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. in space. The burst happened in orbit near ISS when astronauts hid themselves inside the space station for their protection.

However, Resurs satellite exploded in low-Earth orbit, a popular area where thousands of satellites including large and small operate at 355 kilometers above the Earth. This region includes China’s space station containing three astronauts and SpaceX’s extensive Starlink network.

LeoLabs stated the space debris cloud is in a low orbit. So, they think it would be weeks to months before the danger has passed. LeoLabs is responsible for safety in space.

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However, the cause of the Russian Earth observation satellite Resurs-P1 breaking is unknown. Jonathan McDowell is a space tracker and astronomer. He said the Russian satellite burst was most likely due to an issue with it, such as an explosion caused by remaining fuel in it.

Approximately 25,000 debris pieces due to satellite bursts are larger by four inches than others in space. Hence, the debris build-up from satellite explosions and collisions increased the risk of the Kessler effect in space.

A space phenomenon known as the Kessler effect occurs when satellites collide with debris. It increases the chances of crashes and a field of more dangerous debris in space.

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