Tandoor owners shut 5000 tandoors against cut in roti, naan prices

Tandoor owners shut 5000 tandoors

Tandoor owners shut 5000 tandoors against cut in roti, naan prices

Tandoor owners have shut down 5000 tandoors against a cut in roti and naan prices in a shutter-down strike in Rawalpindi. They have also demanded the release of all naanbais (tandoor owners) in custody for overcharging customers more than government charges.

Muhammad Shafiq Qureshi is the president of the Muttahida Naanbais Welfare Association (MNWA). He is also among the arrested naanbais in Adiala Jail. Naanbais also called for further reducing prices of wheat flour.

Moreover, they insisted that the local government allow them to charge Rs 20 for a roti and Rs 25 for a naan. However, flour mills have lowered the cost of a 20-kilogram bag of Atta (flour) by Rs 400.

Khawaja Imran is a vice-chairman of the Rawalpindi-Islamabad Flourmills Association. He told the media they dropped the cost of a 20-kilogram atta bag from Rs 2600 to Rs 2200 by Rs 400.

Khawaja Imran also said retail stores sold a 20-kilogram Atta bag for Rs 2200. Atta prices will drop much more in the upcoming days with the start of new harvests.

The hotel owners made the most of the current circumstances by charging Rs 30 for naan and Rs 20 for a roti. The people of Rawalpindi have called on the local government to punish hotels severely for robbing the public with both hands.

On the other hand, Tandoor owners shut 5000 Tandoors in Rawalpindi saying newly imposed government prices don’t offer fair compensation compared to high wheat flour prices.

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Khurshid Qureshi is general secretary of the Muttahida Naanbais Welfare Association (MNWA). According to Khurshid, more than 5000 tandoors are recently closed. They won’t open their doors until the government meets their demands.

He said Rawalpindi’s local government forcefully imposed a new rate for naan and roti. They can’t offer naan and roti at a discounted price. He also insisted on the instant release of all naanbais from police custody.

The Naanbai Association protested the government’s crackdown on tandoor stores in Punjab. They demanded to fix the 20kg flour bag price at Rs 1600 to sell roti at Rs 16.

They have already given widespread shutter-down strike calls in Punjab and Islamabad. Mansehra naanbais also went on strike against the decreased price of roti.

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