Policeman shot dead two lawyers in Attock District courts
A policeman shot dead two well-renowned senior lawyers, Malik Israr Ahmed and Zulfiqar Mirza in Attock District courts. The shooter police officer is identified as Intezar Shah who is a jawan of Elite Force ASI (Assistant Sub-Inspector).
One of the victims, Malik Israr Ahmed was former president of Punjab Bar Council and a seasoned High Court lawyer. Zulfiqar was also another senior court lawyer.
Intezar targeted inside the courthouse premises of Attock. The tragic incident happened when Intezar opened fire and killed both lawyers. After the incident, law enforcement officials quickly arrested the shooter.
They are still looking into possible motives for the shooting. However, they may include personal grudges or other issues. The early investigation reveals that policeman Intezar Shah shot dead two lawyers more likely due to a personal grudge

Intezar had beef with Malik Israr Ahmed because he played a significant role in a successful divorce lawsuit with his wife at the family court. However, the Attock DPO (District Police Officer) took serious notice of this incident.
Following his notice, Attock police not held Intezar in custody only but also arrested incharge of Elite Force Attock and Moharrar Elite Force for allowing him to enter district courts.

A group of lawyers blocked the Rawalpindi-Kohat road for several hours last year on July 27, 2023. They held strong protests for killing one of their colleagues. They held these protests against Attock police for failing to stop the targeted killing of lawyers in Pindigheb town.
This protest came as the second target killing of a lawyer in Pindigheb town. A shooter murdered a senior female lawyer named Kubra Sheikh in daylight.
Before Kubra Khan, Atif Ali Qureshi was shot dead by two masked men as he reached Khan Chowk. He was a former general secretary of the Pindigheb Bar Association.
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