Musakhel bus attack: 20 Punjab passengers shot dead in Balochistan

Musakhel bus attack

Musakhel bus attack: 20 Punjab passengers shot dead in Balochistan

A shocking incident happened when armed men shot dead 23 passengers from Punjab and Balochistan in a Musakhel bus attack. According to media reports, gunmen offloaded passengers from the bus and opened straight fire on them after verifying their identifications.

This tragic incident happened in the early morning today and killed at least 23 people. Najeeb Kakar is the Assistant Commissioner (AC) of Musakhail.

AC Najeeb stated armed men reportedly blocked the interprovincial highway and removed passengers from multiple buses in the Rarasham area of the Musakhel district. However, the majority of dead victims are from Punjab.

He informed armed men also set ten vehicles on fire apart from shooting Punjab passengers. Afterward, police and levies officials arrived at the scene and started moving dead bodies to the hospital.

According to AC Najeeb, three casualties are from Balochistan while the rest are from Punjab. He also revealed gunmen shot Punjabi passengers after identifying their provincial citizenship. The victims were traveling in buses going to and from Punjab.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, President Asif Ali Zardari, and Punjab CM Maryam Nawaz strongly condemned Musakhel bus attack. PM Shehbaz Sharif instructed relevant authorities to provide mandatory medical treatment to injured victims and punish involved culprits immediately.

Click here to read the updates on terrorist attack on passenger bus in Noshki killed 9 people

It is significant to note that the Musakhel bus attack happened almost four months after a similar attack that targeted Punjabi citizens near Noshki.

Armed men shot dead nine passengers in April 2024 after checking their identity cards. In a separate incident, six laborers from Punjab were shot dead in the Kech area of Turbat, Balochistan. This incident happened in October 2023.

Police reported these killings were pre-planned. The fact that each victim came from a different part of southern Punjab shows that their ethnic background had a role in the fatal killing selection by shooters.

Another incident of the same nature happened in 2015 when gunmen attacked a laborer’s camp outside Turbat early in the morning. It killed 20 construction workers and injured three. The victims were also from Punjab and Sindh.

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