Murder of Teefi Butt’s brother-in-law: Police filed case against 4 suspects

Murder of Teefi Butt's brother-in-law

Murder of Teefi Butt’s brother-in-law: Police filed case against 4 suspects

Ichhra police filed a case against four suspects in the murder of Teefi Butt’s brother-in-law, Javed Butt. Gangsters Teefi Butt and Gogi Butt are the main suspects in the murder case of renowned gangster Ameer Balaj famous as Tipu Truckanwala.

Tipu Trucknanwala was popular among people as a Lahore underworld don. Javed Butt’s murder seems to be ongoing series of old rivalry between Teefi Butt and Tipu Truckanwala gangs.

The interesting turn in Tipu Truckanwala murder case came when unknown gunmen opened fire shots and shot dead Javed Butt in a firing incident on Lahore’s busiest Canal Road.

The murder of Javed Butt happened on September 2, 2024. His wife was also present with him when this assassination attempt occurred. She sustained critical injuries as a result.

The assassinated Javed Butt, brother-in-law of Teefi Butt

Deceased Javed’s son, Hamza Javed stated armed men targeted his father when he was traveling in his vehicle near Shah Jamal traffic signal. According to Hamza, four gunmen allegedly opened fire on Javed while riding their motorcycles.

However, Ichhra police have filed a case against four suspects including Amir Fateh, brother of Ameer Balaj Tipu Truckanwala. Qaiser Butt and two more people are among those suspects.

They registered a case against them in the murder of Teefi Butt’s brother-in-law Javed Butt following a complaint from Hamza Javed. Suspects are facing Sections 302 (murder), 324 (attempted murder), and 334 (causing hurt) of the Pakistan Penal Code in the aftermath of this complaint.

Hamza claimed that Amir Fateh and Qaiser Butt were sitting behind motorcycles during an assassination attempt on his father. Moreover, he said his mother received injuries in her shoulder and leg.

Ameer Balaj Tipu, his father, and grandfather reportedly fell victim to target killing in a gang rivalry

Click here to read the updates on Lahore underworld don Tipu Truckanwala shot dead in Chuhng

However, this all started with the death of Ameer Balaj Tipu Truckanwala murder on February 19, 2024. He attended a former DSP’s son’s wedding ceremony at Chungh Residential Society, Lahore.

Meanwhile, armed men approached him and fired fatal shots at Tipu Truckanwala which resulted in his death. According to police, this murder case was the result of gang rivalry.

His family has a long history of murders due to personal animosity. His father Arif Ameer faced a successful assassination attempt in 2010 at Allama Iqbal International Airport in the same manner. Similarly, Balaj Tipu’s grandfather, Billa Truckanwala fell victim to animosity killing.

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